ECCC Foundation
An organization that aims to promote the concept of information society and popularize key competences. For many years, it has set the standards of competence for information technology users at various levels of advancement, in various areas of their application.
Cooperates with the European Commission in implementation of the Digital Competence Framework for Europe DIGCOMP in Poland. It has a standardized system of education, validation and certification of IT competences. Promotes education, knowledge acquisition, supports initiatives that develop digital competences.

Humaneo Association
Association that works for broadly understood education and professional activation. Its mission is to develop information society by undertaking innovative activities based on knowledge and best industry practices. Is an organization created by a team of people who, combining passion with action, develop and introduce innovative solutions to meet the real needs of different environments.
Since the establishment it cooperates with environment of teachers, educators, accredited trainers and examiners. Creates and promotes standards for education and certification of competences, cooperating with educational partners in the country and abroad. It acts as the Central Training Center of ECCC, which conducts training, exams and workshops for candidates for ECCC Examiners and Coaches.

ECCC Foundation started a Distance Teaching Project
To support teachers in their work, ECCC Foundation started a Distance Teaching project by online training, giving instructions, tools and finally a test. The training includes acquiring knowledge and understanding of digital competences, based on DigComp. Find out more about the project and results. SEE MORE!