For several months, the world has been struggling with the growing number of COVID-19 cases. Difficult situation now affects each of us directly. Reason for this is not only the fact of obligatory isolation, uncertainty of tomorrow, but also problems related to the education of children and youth.
Taking into account the recommendations of MEN (Ministry of National Education) in the scope of the proposed tools supporting remote education, we have developed a new ECCC certification module PI M21 Remote Teaching. Range of the module includes theoretical and practical issues related to operate free toolkit that allows teachers to conduct lessons via web using Google Classroom application.
For the concern of education development and the good of students, ECCC training in the PI M21 Module Remote Teaching with ECCC certificate we provide absolutely FREE!
To support teachers in their work, ECCC Foundation started a Distance Teaching project by online training, giving instructions, tools and finally a test. The training includes acquiring knowledge and understanding of digital competences, based on DigComp. Find out more about the project and results. SEE MORE!